Family Challenges - Month Two
As I mentioned last month, we are undertaking a number of family challenges this year. In February, we challenged ourselves to not eat out at restaurants. Our motives were two-fold. One, we are trying to be more conscious of how we spend our money. Two, we are looking to restore balance in areas of our lives which seem one-sided. In this challenge, we were able to work on both of these things. For the month, all of our food was purchased at the grocery store and prepared at home. The first week was really hard, but after we got into the swing of things, it did get easier. (I will say that one month without a Sonic drink is an amazing feat!)
And now, for the results: $750. That's right, even with the increase in groceries, we saved $750. (I suppose that is a true reflection of how out-of-balance we were in this area! LOL.) JB and I both were eating out at lunch everyday, so that did account for approximately $300!!
We aren't interested in continuing this for an entire year, but it did put things in perspective. Like coming off a crash diet, we are slowly reintroducing restaurants into our lives, but consciously.
And now for the March challenge: No purchases, other than food, medicine and toilet paper. We can go out to eat, but we can't buy any non-food items for the month: No toys, music, books, clothes, household items, make-up, nothing... And man, it is SO much harder than last month!!! I'll have to keep you posted on this one.
My pictures today are Little Sister with her new toy. (Purchased last month). She loves this crazy magnate, music box, animal barn thing! She is so much more into refridgerator magnates than her brother ever was...
Thanks for the comments! Have a good week!
Seriously, could she be any cuter? I just love her sweet little face!
Sophie Le has that same toy and really likes it. Honestly, I do too...when you put a duck in front and a pig behind, what do you have? A duck-pig, that's silly :o)
Great job on February! Good luck on March. Stay strong, you can do it!!
Reagan just received that fridge thing as a gift too! However, because it's still new, Parker feels compelled to "help" Reagan every time she heads that direction, making for a few arguements about which bottom exactly goes with the orange horse head =).
Thanks for the updates! Facinanting, isn't it, to see where your money really goes? Let us know how the March challege works out. That seems really hard!
Cute Toy! We just have the Alphabet one....will have to look for it! Good luck on your March Challenge! I already bought Caleigh 2 pairs of shoes on-line & it isn't even 8:30 am! I would never make it!
Heather M.
OH MY!!!! Aunt Lo really does need to see this little princess!!!! I need a copy of this picture too.
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